Fried Eggs, Sauteed Veggies, Garlic Naan


Breakfast, lunch or dinner: I love this meal. I never thought about putting all these items together until my friend made it for us years ago and it’s been a regular in my meal rotation ever since. Why is it so good? Because it’s like a deconstructed, dairy-free eggs florentine that makes you feel like you should be drinking mimosas while watching passersby at a chic brunch spot—but it won’t put you in a food coma because the heaviness is in the good-for-you veggies.

Another winning quality of this meal is the preparation. It’s so stinkin’ easy. I’ve grown to love layering after destroying so many omelettes. Is it because I am too impatient to let the eggs cook through? Is my flipping game is weak? Should I have cooked the eggs longer before putting the veggies in? IDK. I gave up. Omelettes are a nightmare and cover up all the pretty veggies anyway.  If I’ma eat healthy, I want the world to see. Witness me!



  • 2 Tablespoons olive oil, divided
  • 2 eggs
  • 1/4 piece of garlic naan
  • 1/4 of a shallot, sliced (can also sub 2 Tbsp onions if you don’t have shallots)
  • 1/4 of a red/yellow/orange pepper, sliced
  • 2-3 leaves swiss chard, roughly chopped
  • handful of cherry tomatoes, sliced
  • salt & pepper
  • Sriracha


  1. Before you gather all your ingredients, crank up your oven to 350°F. Gather your eggs, chard, sweet peppers, tomatoes, & shallots. As you warm up 1 Tablespoon of olive oil on medium heat, lop off a few thin rings of shallots—no need to dice and waste time. By the time you’ve got the amount you want and toss them in the pan, the oil will be the right temp to give you a lil’ sizzle greeting. Yes, I’m happy to be here, too, oil!
  2. As the shallots start to brown, slice your sweet peppers. But don’t neglect the shallots! Slice 3 pepper rings, flip the shallots. Slice 3 more pepper rings, flip dem shallots. By now you should have a good start on a lovely caramelization, so toss in the sweet peppers. While those start to cook, chop up the chard leaves (I cut out the stems because they take too long to cook for this meal). Again, keep an eye on your pepper party. Once the peppers start to look pliable, toss in the chard, add 1 Tablespoon of water to help wilt the chard, and salt and pepper to taste. Go back to your cutting board, quickly slice the tomatoes in half (or more if they feel big) and add them to the pan when the chard has reduced in size. Once the tomato skins look wrinkled, it’s time to put that goodness on a plate.
  3. Now’s the time to put the naan in the oven to toast. As it’s toasting, add the remaining 1 Tablespoon olive oil to the pan. Keeping the heat on medium, crack two eggs into the pan and salt and pepper to taste. Let cook for 1 minute uncovered, then cover for another minute so the whites cook through, but the yolks stay nice and runny. When the eggs are done, so is the naan!
  4. Plate all three items together, top with Sriracha and serve.
Fried Eggs, Sauteed Veggies, Garlic Naan

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